12 Sep Are we equipped to help our Muslim Sisters?

How many of you have seen a message on social media from a Sister seeking refuge from an abusive husband? Her husband won’t allow her to leave the house, give her money, or he is mentally and physically abusing her. Unfortunately, we’ve all seen those messages, and we’ve either seen or contributed to the long list of advice given to those Sisters seeking refuge. Some of the advice is helpful, but the truth is much of the advice given is not. I am sure we all mean well sharing our advice – but are we equipped to do so? Are we trained to be advocates? Do we know how to connect Sisters with the right resources?
The Muslim community isn’t exempt from Domestic Violence. So we should learn how to deal with it correctly. If you’re interested in being part of the solution, let’s get trained and make sure our Imams are as well. Two Domestic Violence workshops were added to our community calendar, and we’re encouraging you to join us and take advantage of these opportunities.
First, we’re encouraging you and all our Members to join the Muslim Sisters Alliance and DC Coalition against domestic abuse from Aug. 6 to Aug. 8 – for a FREE Ambassador Competency Training. This virtual event will train Sisters to be Advocates for survivors of domestic violence.
Second, we’re challenging every mosque to have a least one Imam participate in Imam & Chaplain Training with Peaceful Families Project from Sept. 24 to 26th. The 2.5 day workshop covers how to create an effective and faith based Muslim understanding and response to Domestic Violence.
To learn more about these workshops and others, go to our community calendar. This is a platform where organizations and individuals can share events that benefits the whole Ummah. https://www.momnetworkusa.com/resources
“I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say, “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” [Muslim]
MOMNetwork, LLC – We are a community of Muslim women empowering, engaging, and establishing programs for MOMs and their families.
Our mission is to develop a community where MOMs receive the tools and support needed to be advocates for their Families and Themselves. In addition, we provide a forum where women can take an active role in protecting their well-being and happiness.
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